Saturday, March 1, 2008

Even from God's Hands...

I wonder how often faithful David dreamt about exacting revenge against that psychotic, murderous Saul.

  • Thought about it,
  • prayed about it,
  • dreamt about it,
  • plotted it...
only to erase it all from the white board of his mind, and say "Lord, Thy will be done."

1 Samuel 24 is as if the schemings and scribblings from the white board, find a way into reality. The opportunity has been granted by the hand of God for David to pursue that dreamt-for "justice."

And yet...
  • Even though Saul had injusticely put David on the run...
  • Even though Saul has his army pursuing David to the death...
  • Even though the situation was orchestrated by the Lord...
  • Even though he had the blessing and help of all those around him...
  • Even though he had God's call to be tne next king of Israel...
  • Even though...
David chose the harder, more noble, and apparently more disappointing path.

He could have had all of Saul (freedom, dream come true), but instead he only took a corner of the robe (continue as a fugitive).

He again erased the vengance notion from the white board of his mind, and said, "Lord, Thy will be done."

It cost David.
  • He continues to be haunted and hunted.
  • He continues to wander in the wilderness with just a rag tag army.
  • He continues to experience the promise of God become further and further away in his life.
Oh Lord Jesus, grant a David-like Spirit in my life. One that is satisfied with only a corner of the robe, (if even that is right), and leaves the rest into Your hands!

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