Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sin Purged

Zechariah gives us two more of his visions in chapter 5, visions 6 & 7.

Zechariah 5:1-7
The Vision of the Flying Roll

This huge sheet of parchment, 30' x 15', was covered with the solemn curses of the Law, 

  1. on one side against the thief and 
  2. on the other against false swearing. 
These two sins may have prevelant in this young community or it could just be a way of noting the Ten Commandments, one from each side of the tablets. For 
  1. to steal was to injure your neighbor
  2. to perjure was to dishonor God, because you had sworn in his name. 
Lord, keep St. Philip's pure and truthful, a generous giver, never accused of stealing or deceptive behavior. Keep the church above reproach especially as it strives to raise money to impact the lives of people in the Bright Zone. 
Just an FYI: The dimensions of the holy place in the tabernacle and of the porch of Solomon’s temple was 30' x 15'.

Zechariah 5:5-11
The Vision of the Basket

The woman, the basket, and the weight are associated with wickedness. They personify greed, materialism, and dishonesty for profit. Zechariah prophesied to those who returned from the Babylonian exile. God’s people came back from Babylon with a materialism problem, and this vision speaks to this problem.

Zechariah sees this personification of wicked materialism being locked into a large container used to measure out grain, and carried away back to Babylon by two angels. Earlier God's people had been carried captive to Babylon because of their wickedness. 

In the future God will separate His people from evil, and it is evil that is taken captive and sent far away into exile.
Lord Jesus, how infiltrating these sins can be, as we disguise them with terms like stewardship, blessings and shrewd dealings. Protect us from ourselves and our selfishness. Help to be giving and living Beyond Ourselves. I pray you will protect the Harringtons from being taken up with these worry-produced, joy-robbing vices but rather lead them to You. Oh to fall headlong in love with You! Amen.
Just an FYI: This portion is the only place, I think, that we find any idea of female angels!

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